Ergonomic Saddle Seat Chair & Stools News - Salli Australia

Good vs bad posture
In an age where we spend the better part of our days sitting, how we sit can significantly impact our health and wellbeing. The science of ergonomics has long been championed as a way to harmonise our lifestyle with our anatomical and physiological needs. This post dives into the modern ergonomic marvel - the saddle chair - and how it's revolutionising posture and comfort, one sit at a time.
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How to sit safely and without problems

If you sit in a troublesome posture for the usual dozen hours a day and use digital devices, a few minutes of exercise cannot cure or prevent back pains and headaches.

The main cause of problems is that the usual poor posture stretches the ligaments between the vertebrae of the spine over time, and the vertebrae start to degenerate due to the continuous roundness of the back and neck. It is caused by the thighs that are in the front of the body. This tilts the pelvis backwards and the posture becomes round. Muscle tensions follow. On a traditional chair the situation is hopeless.

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What to Expect from Kneeling Chairs vs. Saddle Chairs

At first glance, kneeling chairs look like a great alternative to the traditional office chair. They have a unique structure that provides support for your knees that face forward. The seat is slightly sloped to open up the hips and your knees are slightly dropped to allow for the natural S-shape in the spine.

But there are many downsides to using a kneeling chair........

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