Standing is not the solution
Sitting is a threat to one’s health. In numerous studies conventional sitting has been found to be very disturbing to the overall body welfare. All the impacts finally lead to the fact that traditional sitting blocks micro and macro circulation (blood and lymph) all over the body. Awareness of the connection between active circulation and health is generally on a very low level.
Because the optimum sitting (on two-part saddle chairs, wearing loose clothes, and work environment designed in such a way that physical activity is needed during the day) is also very poorly known, there is a general belief that standing would solve the problem at work. However, only people who are slim, have a very good muscle structure, posture and body balance may adopt all day standing without health problems.
The problems of standing

- Continuous pressure on the cartilages of knees and hips causes arthritis. Cartilages need rhythmic pressure on – pressure off variation to be able to absorb nutrition and oxygen for the renewal of cells. Standing with constant pressure very much prevents this. That is why arthritis is common among standing professions.
- People who stand at work suffer from varicose veins, cellulite and swelling. The muscle activity in changing the weight from one foot to the other is way too small to generate sufficient circulation in the legs.
Standing often causes back problems. Also the circulation in the back mechanism and tissues need movement to work properly and guarantee a healthy back. Standing does not provide enough movement, while sitting on an active chair does, if the chair is used correctly. Back problems in standing appear more easily if the person has scoliosis, poor posture in the spine or pelvis or any other type or deformation or imbalance in the muscular–skeletal system.
- Muscle tensions may increase. The continuous static position where the body is being held up while standing has a tendency to cause tensions in the leg–hip–back area. Tensions block circulation and naturally they get worse in the course of time.
- Feet problems. People who stand at work often suffer frequently from various MSD problems in their feet. Special shoes and therapies are often tried as a remedy.
- People get tired when standing. Heavy people, and particularly the elderly, find standing too strenuous and tiring. This is due to the muscle tensions and lack of refreshing motion in the body. Lack of circulation causes this too.
When asked, people in standing professions generally do not like standing. They may have got used to it and tolerate it, but still the above-mentioned physiological problems are building up in their bodies, without them necessarily being aware of them. Sitting on a two-part active saddle chair is the superior solution for long lasting sitting at work.
The statements on the page are based on the following sources:
Michael Adams, Nikolai Bogduk, Kim Burton, Patricia Dolan: The Biomechanics of Back Pain
David A. Rubenstein, Wei Yin, Mary D. Frame: Biofluid Mechanics, an Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Macrocirculation, and Microcirculation
Marcus J. Seibel, Simon P. Robins, John P. Bilezikian: Dynamics of Bone and Cartilage Metabolism, Principles and Clinical Applications