Salli Review - Pregnant Woman

During my pregnancy I have really preferred Salli to the normal chair. My tail bone starts to ache very quickly if I sit for a long time on a traditional chair. By that I mean a chair on which the angles in the hips and knees are 90 degrees, and the legs are side by side while sitting. On those kind of chairs I also lose the good posture easily and start to slouch. When sitting on Salli I can pay better attention to my posture. It is also beneficial in Salli sitting that the weigh is evenly distributed on sitting bones and doesn't make the tailbone hurt. My legs and back are in a natural position and nothing presses the stomach.
I especially like Salli SwingFit as it enables me to swing my pelvis during the workday. It is a lovely thought, both for me and the baby, that by doing so I can enhance the circulation in the stomach and pelvic areas, and legs. Also the little swelling that occurs during pregnancy in the legs is better in control when I use Salli. On Salli SwingFit I can roll in my office to the printer, reach for papers and things on shelves, just like I did before my baby bump.
I recommend Salli during pregnancy on the basis of the above-mentioned facts.
Niina Lyytinen, Sales and Marketing Assistant
Rautalampi, Finland, 3.2.2017