Salli Review - Physiotherapist

I had the opportunity to test Salli Swing at Sjukgymnastdagarna in Göteborg, Sweden. I thought that I was already sitting right, but because I sit so much in my work I was ready to try changing my office chair to Salli Swing. I used to have a 12 years old traditional office chair that had a lot of adjustments to make sitting ergonomic and good, but I don't always live like I preach as a physiotherapist. I often sat in a bad position, which resulted in a tired lower back and affected the wellbeing of my whole body.

Now that I'm using Salli Swing I seem to be more active while sitting. There was a certain adjustment period in the beginning, but now it feels all right. My back feels better and I have started using my height-adjustable table more, and even work standing at times. I vary positions between sitting and standing, thanks to the new chair. I can really recommend this chair.

Linköping, Sweden, 27.3.2014