Saddle chairs, neutral spine and "ergonomic" office chairs

saddle chair neutral spine

Saddle chairs and neutral spine

Neutral spine is the natural position of the spine when all 3 curves of the spine—cervical (neck), thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower)—are present and in good alignment. This is the strongest position for the spine when we are standing or sitting, and the one that we are made to move from.

Neutral spine means no excess pressure on your discs. 

When you are standing up straight you have a neutral spine, and of course, you don't need a lumbar support. So why do so many people think they need one when sitting? It's probably due to your chair (whether it is cheap or expensive!).

Almost all "ergonomic" office chairs include a lumbar support. Why is this? It is because when using these chairs you do not have a neutral spine as your pelvis automatically rotates backwards.

Ask yourself a question - if everybody is using these ergonomic office chairs then why do so many have back issues?

A Salli saddle chair helps you achieve and maintain a neutral spine position - this is why so many Salli users experience great relief from back pain. In addition to good posture, Salli saddle chairs with active sitting, such as the Swayfit, help maintain circulation and keep your back moving.

See our range of back saving chairs here.