How to get rid of sciatica

Sciatica is degeneration or nerve pressure in the lower back.
It is caused by chronic incorrect sitting. On traditional chairs one almost unavoidably sits in a position where the back is rounded.
By far the most effective prevention and treatment is to sit in an upright position.
The only way to do this is to acquire a height-adjustable table, raise the monitors to the eye level, and start sitting on a high-quality, anatomically correctly designed (no pressure on the inner thighs), two-part, swinging saddle chair. This eases back pain almost always aleady in a couple of days.
Sitting in an upright position has other advantages too, such as deeper breathing, better functioning of the bowel and internal organs, better cerebral circulation, and even less hip joint problems in the future.
Continuous standing is not good if you want to avoid the degeneration of the hip and knee joints.